Belfast-Kaiapoi Rotary have been supplying IT Hardware (Chromebooks) and associated Educational Software packages to local schools in our area since 2016.
Rotary became involved after a presentation from a local School Principal highlighted the disparity in educational outcomes between high(er) and low(er) decile rated schools. Many Primary School pupils were moving on to local Intermediates having little or no “IT” learning experience due to a lack of resources. This put them at a major disadvantage when moving on to their future educational years, of which most pupils struggled to recover from, or, catch up to an acceptable current minimum standard.
After much consultation, Northcote Primary was selected as our first Chromebooks recipient, when twenty-eight laptops with associated charging stations and software were purchased.
This has proven to be such an outstanding success, that Belfast-Kaiapoi Rotary have gone on to provide many other local Primary Schools with Chromebook Laptops in the ensuing years.
The feedback from the Teachers and Principals of these recipient schools has been overwhelmingly positive.
This project is ongoing for The Rotary Club of Belfast-Kaiapoi. All future enquiries to Leith at 0211426297
The above motto was used in 2008 when two of our club members had the idea of inviting sponsors from local businesses, individuals and club members to purchase team shirts - with their logos on them - to give to Junior Touch teams and give greater encouragement for youngsters to become part of community sports.
From small beginnings at the Belfast Rugby Club, sponsorship has continued to grow each year. With the Kaiapoi Rugby Club also involved in this project for the last few years, we have seen the number of teams continue to increase. This present season 2021-2022 will have 64 teams playing each week; 768 children gaining new skills, keeping fit, learning to work in teams, making new friends and enjoying themselves. With the presence of care givers watching the children play, it brings many families of Belfast and Kaiapoi together thus improving community spirit and wellbeing.
The Rotary Club of Belfast Kaiapoi together with the Touch players, their families and the Touch organisations are extremely grateful and appreciative of the ever-growing number of sponsors who see the benefit of giving their support. Many have continued to support this worthwhile project from the very beginning – thank you.
Our Rotary Club assists Road Safety Education (RSE) to provide the program to secondary schools in our area. RYDA is more than a program, it’s partnership which supports teachers on the journey as they provide their students with the tools and understanding they need to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens. Taking, largely, a student inquiry learning approach, RYDA becomes part of the school culture from the first to last day of a young person’s high school life. Beyond that, RYDA provides students with the tools, habits and motivation to take action and stay safe on our roads as both drivers and passengers throughout their lives.
Long term change will only be realised where educational materials support each-other and key messages are repeated over time. RYDA, a program professionally developed by leading learning organisation, Road Safety Education Limited (RSE), is designed to complement the high school curriculum.
RYDA features a highly engaging and memorable one-day workshop which front-loads students’ understanding of road safety. The workshop sessions are designed to be held in small classroom sized groups (approximately 25 students) and are led by a team of trained facilitators including Police, driving instructors and other community sector specialists.
RYDA is delivered to over 660 high schools throughout Australia and New Zealand, with an average of 40,000 students participating in the RYDA Program every year.